Love Every Chromosome

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We see it on t-shirts. Those of us close to or within the Down Syndrome community, see it on Facebook and Instagram feeds. A quote or slogan said so many times we start to say it without a second thought. 

Do we actually grasp what it means?

And do we love them all? I mean, every single one?

As moms of kiddos with a chromosomal abnormality, do we slightly resent that extra or missing “chromie”, because with or without it their child who be “typical” and things would be “easier”? 

Are we silently cursing that chromosome thinking, ”Why are you here?!” Or “Where are you?!” Thinking the addition or disappearance would make our lives somewhat more complete than they were prior if said chromosome would somehow simply appear or disappear? As if we turned performed a spell, making the chromosome disappear, Poof! all our troubles would be gone too!

I will tell you my answer like this. Absolutely not. 

Without that extra Chromosome my son would not be who he is. 

That little smile that lights up a room for me and everyone else he meets? That’s a keeper. 

Or that cute little way he tilts his head slightly when he bends down to look at something? That stays. 

The way he crosses his tiny little legs like a tiny little pretzel when he sits Indian style or the way he mispronounces seven as “eben”. Don’t you dare touch those. 

You see all those little innate qualities are beautiful, rare and untouched. Something many other people never get to experience, and they are all ours to enjoy.

They all come from that tiny, extra 21st chromosome. 

Not to mention the fearless, loving, beautiful, and glorious group of mommas I have come to know and love because we have kiddos who have something in common. THIS EXTRA CHROMOSOME. 

These women fight. They advocate, teach and love. They persevere. Every. Single. Day. 

These women were called to a purpose, just as I am and the fact that we share such a unique bond is nothing more than proof of God’s work put into action.

And their kiddos… oh their kiddos. The way they light up my Social media feed with smiles and accomplished milestones. I get to see them grow and learn and never have to compare the abilities of my own children. 

I simply get to cheer them on for all they have accomplished and give support to their beautiful mommas. 

Sure there are extra doctor visits, therapies, and just finding a childcare provider can be hard when you have a child with a developmental delay. Not to mention the stress of wondering if everyone will include your child, love them and take care of them in the event their lack of independence does not allow them to live on their own. 

But oh the joys of that extra chromosome. Those joys will far outweigh any difficulty you or your child will attempt to overcome. Every fear you face will melt with the realization that their presence in your life will forever outweigh their absence. 

As we get closer to World Down Syndrome Day 2022. I can’t help but reflect on these thoughts and also another thought. What would the world be like without that extra Chromosome? The one I love so much?

Thankfully for us, at least, it is here to stay. And for this extra chromosome, I am truly grateful.

Love. Every. Chromosome.

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